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天星小輪獲 TripAdvisor 駐港評論員好評

天星小輪獲 TripAdvisor 駐港評論員好評 

香港 2015年3月1日......天星小輪有限公司今天宣佈南華早報刊登一則名為HK-based man is TripAdvisor’s top reviewer 文章,當中報導天星小輪獲 TripAdvisor 駐港評論員 (Mr. Brad Reynolds)好評。據報導,三十七歲美國籍Brad Reynolds先生給訪港旅客其中一項重要提示是不要錯過一嘗乘搭天星小輪的體驗。

天星小輪有限公司曾向Brad Reynolds發出電郵查詢對天星小輪的評價。Brad Reynolds有以下回覆︰

A ride on the Star Ferry is a quintessential part of the Hong Kong experience for visitors. It is an important link to the city's history and heritage and affords all who ride - excellent views of Victoria Harbour, Victoria Peak and world class Hong Kong Skyline. The Star Ferry is something that can be easily enjoyed by everyone and captures so much of what I love about Hong Kong. This is why it is my personal favourite thing to do in the city and the first thing I recommend to Tripadvisor members when asked what to do and see in Hong Kong.

旅遊評論網站TripAdvisor正慶祝十五周年, 有超過2億項與酒店、食肆、店舖及旅遊熱點的相關評論。TripAdvisor 曾於2011年公布全球最佳二十五個旅遊勝地中,香港獲逾百萬名遊客投票支持,排名第十位;當中天星小輪獲選為「全港十個必遊景點」之第二位。



全球一大旅遊評論家網站 TripAdvisor 乃用戶交流資訊的網站,讓旅客提供有關旅遊的評語、相片及建議。網站詳情請瀏覽